SAM: Launch of COVID-19 vaccination plan


In order to guarantee a smooth vaccine supply process and taking into account the need to maintain an adequate temperature and traceability regime during the transportation of vaccines, the objective is to contract transportation services from the vaccine manufacturers themselves. Contracts with logistics companies are planned if vaccine manufacturers cannot provide transportation services.

For the storage of vaccines, a freezer purchase procedure has been put in place (with a monitoring system of the required parameters and an alarm system to warn of deviations from the pre-established storage conditions) to ensure that ultra-low temperatures are maintained. .

To carry out the vaccination properly, the ESSC also organizes the purchase of equipment necessary for vaccination (disposable masks, disposable gloves, disinfectant wipes, etc.) for more than 570 thousand. euros.

SAM recalls that Lithuania buys vaccines together with other countries of the European Union. Pre-contracts have already been signed with five pharmaceutical companies that are completing clinical trials and may submit their vaccines for registration in the coming months.

If the positive benefit-risk balance of the vaccine is based on scientific evidence, the European Commission will register the medicine immediately in all EU countries as soon as possible.

Lithuania aims to acquire 70 percent. population of the country to vaccinate, as well as diversify vaccine purchases among various manufacturers. According to medical recommendations, this number of vaccines is necessary for the development of herd immunity.
