On Wednesday night, Gintaras Žagunis firebreak agents from the Vilnius border team spotted a group of suspicious people in a wooded area near Naujoji Miežioniai village of Šalčininkai district municipality. Their arrest revealed that they were 5 men, 4 women and, according to preliminary data, 10 minors. None of the detainees had identity documents. According to preliminary data, they presented themselves as Russian citizens of Chechen nationality. The migrants had backpacks, personal items, hygiene items.
They presented themselves as Russian Chechen citizens. The migrants had backpacks, personal items, hygiene items.
The cynologist who inspected the area where this group was detained and the service dog found nothing more suspicious. It was established that foreigners arrived in Lithuania at an unauthorized location by crossing the Gervynė stream, which runs along the Lithuanian-Belarusian border. The migrants who crossed this water barrier intended to go deep into Lithuanian territory, but SBGS officials were detained for half a kilometer.
The foreigners submitted written applications for temporary territorial asylum in Lithuania. Their identities are established.
The migrants are temporarily housed in the G. Žagunis firewall, they will be tested for COVID-19. Following this procedure and after receiving the results of the investigation, the issue of accommodation for foreigners will be resolved. The Department of Migration, which examines asylum applications in Lithuania, has been informed about the detention.