S. Skvernelis: The thirteenth pension will have to be decided by the new Government


“We have made decisions of this type in everything related to next year’s budget, because we will no longer return it, I hope not more, although the deadlines are very clear and concise, but I believe that the Government will be formed successfully. the budget, the finances, the new government will provide, and we let the new government decide, ”S. Skvernelis told reporters in the Seimas on Thursday.

“It would not be very correct now if we agreed, and then the government would have to reverse those decisions if it had a different opinion,” Skvernelis added.

When asked if the new government would approve the enactment of the thirteenth pension, the acting prime minister took it that way.

“I think that according to the project proposed by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security (SADM), not absolute approval, but improvement, it is really a matter of discussion. It can be considered and it can be expected.

Again, it will depend on the general determination of what the new government sees in the social plane, but we still do not have a program, it is not possible to discuss something ”, commented S. Skvernelis.

The government had to present a conclusion to the Seimas on the proposal to pay the so-called thirteenth pension once a year for 200 euros, but on Wednesday decided not to do so.

The draft conclusion was prepared by the Ministry of Social Affairs. The ministry proposed in principle to support the initiative of the former governors to legalize the thirteenth pension, but stressed that now “there is no possibility of making additional financial obligations” – it was proposed to start paying the benefit from 2022 instead of 2021.

The ministry also proposed differentiating the amount of the thirteenth pension according to income, linking it to rising inflation and anticipating the circumstances in which this benefit would not be paid.

The members of the government headed by S. Skvernelis were not brave to join the ranks of the supporters of the thirteenth pension: the Minister of Finance, Vilius Šapoka, assured that the country must now avoid long-term financial obligations and that pension certainly it won’t be in next year’s budget.

The Minister of Social Security and Labor, Linas Kukuraitis, did not hide his belief that the proposed payment of the thirteenth pension was an electoral step. The opposition of the time took the same position.

VIDEO: 15/15: The thirteenth pension in the monetary budget will no longer be in 2023.
