S. Pilinkus told Dr. Alvydas Unikauskas, director of “Ask the Doctor,” that he had been feeling extremely unwell for some time after suffering from the coronavirus. He also infected COVID-19 with his life partner, presenter Edita Mildažytė.
“It is a pity that people who already have this problem do not inform themselves in time because we could react in some way. I won’t mention the name of a colleague, but if he hadn’t gone on a filming expedition with me, he might not have infected me, we wouldn’t be sick, ”said S. Pilinkus.
It is true that he also mentioned a positive aspect of the disease: the study showed that the level of antibodies in his blood reaches 20 percent.
After A. Unikauskas asked who was taking care of him, Edita Sauliai or vice versa, S. Pilinkus said: “I didn’t care, I don’t have that experience. The aforementioned personality is the daughter of doctors, so she knows everything very well ”.
When asked who was sicker, the celebrity said his symptoms were more severe, but Edita also fell ill with the mildest form of COVID-19.
The art critic spoke earlier without experiencing that strange sensation when it is cold and the temperature is enormous. Even wrapped in a blanket and well dressed, he felt chills with cold, even though his body temperature was 40 degrees.
Photo by Edita Mildažytė and Saulius Pilinkus / Greta Skaraitienė / “PEOPLE Photo”
“When the illness ended, I felt that a lemon was ripe. The weakness was that when the situation improved, going up to the second floor of the house seemed like a great job. And already feeling healthy and having medical conclusions, I tried to get home from work in Užupis and it took me four hours. I have never felt such persistent fatigue before, ”said Saulius Pilinkus, who had been suffering from severe COVID-19 for two weeks.
E. Mildažytė has also previously spoken about his illness on the television show “Lrt Forumas”.
“I am probably seriously ill, the temperature has not dropped in ten days and I have been coughing a lot”, E. Mildažytė began the conversation with the presenter Nemira Pumprickaitė remotely.
Of course, the woman made no secret of the fact that she had several serious symptoms, and if the pills were not sucked, she would probably find it difficult to pronounce the word. During the conversation, Edita could still be heard suppressing her cough.
E.Mildažytė named an uncharacteristic COVID-19 – skin rashes and itching – among all the symptoms that afflicted her.
“My skin has changed, the effect has appeared as if it had been rubbed with sandpaper and strange rashes have appeared.