Achieved the third consecutive victory in the Euroleague Šarūnas Jasikevičius training the Barcelona team (4/1).
The Barça club in the main derby of the fifth round at home after a changing fight 79:72 (18:14, 30:13, 16:25, 15:20) beat the Real Madrid basketball players (1/4).
In the first half there was a fairly close fight, but in the second quarter the hosts obviously took the initiative and crushed the opponents with an advantage of even 21 points – 48:27.
The situation did not change for 5 minutes and after a long break. It is true that Facundo Campazzo and Trey Thompkins began to accumulate points in the Real team, so the guests approached 56:64.
Oh WOW 😲
This is how El Clásico begins @Rolands_Smits!# 7DAYSMagicMoment pic.twitter.com/L3FauvefLh
– Turkish Airlines EuroLeague (@EuroLeague) October 23, 2020
The hosts managed to separate again, but then Sergio Llullas reminded himself: 69:74. However, in the last minute of the match, Sergi Martínez hit a major colon, allowing his team to breathe a little more.
.@ Brandon_Davies0 Come from behind to hit the ball and get the lock! ❌❌❌# 7DAYSMagicMoment pic.twitter.com/nSqs5xKpuj
– Turkish Airlines EuroLeague (@EuroLeague) October 23, 2020
Nikola Mirotičius could not help the Barça club in this match.
“Barcelona”: Kyle’as Kuricas 15 (14 min.), Brandonas Daviesas 14 (4 bl.), Cory Higginsas 13, Alexas Abrinesas 8 (5 atk. Kam.), … Nickas Calathesas 3 (7 rez. Lost, 6 kl. .).
“Real”: Trey’us Thopkinsas 14 (6/7 dvitaškiai, 7 atk. Kam.), Alberto Abalde 13, Sergio Llullas 9, Usmanas Garuba 8 (5 atk. Kam.).
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