Š.Jasikevičius explained why he did not say a word to the students during the one-minute break


On Tuesday Šarūnas Jasikevičius led Barcelona before the game in Kaunas played in the Spanish championship at home 90: 100 (22:32, 29:19, 19:19, 20:30) lost to the Valencia team (5/6).

It was the second loss in a row, before Barcelona landed in the Euroleague for outsiders Vilerbano ASVEL.

In the last quarter, Š.Jasikevičius asked for a minute of rest, during which he simply walked alongside the students and didn’t say a word to them, which Š.Jasikevičius explained after the match.

“It is very difficult to speak during a minute of rest, when everything is done in reverse of what you are saying,” said Jasikevičius. “I always take responsibility for how I prepare the team with tact and psychology, but I cannot do it today. “We have lived very well the last few weeks and now we have to pay for it.”

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