The purchase was announced on November 27.
According to their documents, the maximum number planned for the training of hunters is 240 thousand. euros.
The technical specification states that a maximum of 100 euros can be allocated for the training of a hunter.
The purchase is divided into 8 parts by counties, providers can offer services for individual parts or for 8 at a time.
The document describes what the supplier should teach hunters to get public money: during conferences, hunters should learn safe behavior in hunting, safety when keeping a hunting gun at home, how to safely transport a gun hunting, how to use it safely in hunting, first aid and the like.

Photo by Luke April / 15 minutes / Hunters gathered at the Ministry of the Environment
During the shooting lesson, hunters should be trained to safely disassemble and assemble their weapons, to shoot stationary and moving targets.
S. Gentvilas will stop buying next week
However, the new Minister of the Environment, representative of the Liberal Movement Simon Gentville, is categorical: there will be no training.
It will be discontinued next week.
“It will be discontinued next week”, 15 minutes S. Gentvilas said.
According to the politician, just as drivers must be able to drive before the driving test, hunters must go to the hunters test while paying to shoot.
“Just as architects increase their qualifications at their expense, anyone else who performs their professional activities, especially their leisure activities, should not be financed with public funds,” he said.
In a comment on Facebook, he highlighted that an urgent Future DNA, 2021, awaits over the weekend and into the next week. review of budgets and tenders.
“In the face of a pandemic and a non-pandemic, every taxpayer euro should be invested only sparingly,” Gentvil said.
K.Mažeika: maybe until now – emotions
Outgoing Minister K. Mažeika 15 minutes stated that the training would be purchased from the Environmental Support Program.
“It was agreed that hunters who pay a higher rate for hunting areas should receive competent services: shooting, hunting and everything else. (…) For this, a series of steps are planned, which are planned for three years ”, said the representative of the“ peasants ”.
K.Mažeika said that the completion of the competition should not be evaluated by him, but by the hunter organizations.
“It is a blow for them because they have talked about it and he knows the situation. As the saying goes, we’ll see. Perhaps without delving into the situation, perhaps there are some emotions so far, I hope they understand it, deepen it and everything turns out well, “he said.