Ryto’s reserve pit continues: defeat in the NKL championship for the fifth time in a row / News


Photo: Fotodiena.lt

Photo Fotodiena.lt

The forced three-week break did not put Gargždai off the court (4-0).

Man of the match

Ruikis blankets

Erikas Kubilius students at the guests 92:77 (16:24, 27:15, 28:20, 21:18) broke the Vilnius team “Pearl Energy” (2-5), for which it was the fifth consecutive defeat. In turn, the Gargždai club achieved the fourth possible victory.

The guests advanced after a long break. Jonas Dumašius made a free kick, Oskaras Pleikys and Modestas Kumpys added a double point, and Mantas Ruikis scored a triple and the Gargždai team gained a double-digit lead – 61:50.

At the beginning of the fourth quarter, Ruikis made another long shot, Kumpys added his long shot and the Gargždiškis gained a landslide advantage (77:59). For the rest of the time, Gargždai held a double-digit lead and earned a guaranteed victory.

Ruikis had a great performance among the winners, scoring 25 points in 29 minutes (2/5 double, 5/7 trit., 6/6 penalty), bounced 5 and took 1 ball, made 4 assists, made 2 errors and scored 28 utility points.

“Energija Pearls”: Martynas Pacevičius 18 (6/9 doubles, 9th chamber), Justas Šukelis 15 (4/6 doubles), Andreas Kalogiros 13, Adas Šimonis 12 (3/6 doubles).

“Gargždai”: Ruikis 25 blankets (5/7 trit., 28 points of use), Oskaras Pleikys 20 (9/11 dit.), Modestas Kumpys 14 (4/8 dit., 2/6 trit. Why. ).
