The seventh stage of the prestigious ISL Swimming League began in the Budapest bubble, Hungary on Thursday. The Energy Standard team is again represented by the three Lithuanians.
The men’s 400m freestyle created its own intrigue Today Rapshys. The Lithuanian defeated opponents 350 m and was able to win 4-5 sec. difference, but I forgot how far the distances had already traveled. D.Rapšys finished 50m before the end of the distance. The Lithuanian was already waiting for the opponents when they informed him that he still had to swim 50m. The Lithuanian turned sharply, swam the last 50m and managed to maintain a victorious lead.
D.Rapšys finally reached the finish line in 3 minutes. 40.83 seconds and 0.10 seconds. overcome Zane grothe (3: 40.93). 50 m to go, they were separated by more than 6 seconds! The third ended Velimiras Stjepanovičius (3: 41.86). D.Rapšys won 10 points for the team, mat Leonardo Santosas Still he managed to stay too far behind the Lithuanian who remained standing for a few seconds.
“That third freestyle of my 400 meters was fun. After 350m, I decided to stop and see where my competitors were. I’m kidding, I’ve never had such a thing in a career like this before. It happened today: I calculated how many meters were left and they stopped. Good to have the best team that immediately started yelling and shaking hands! Then I really realized that this is not the end, but something is wrong, and there is probably another 50m left, so after “resting” for 5 seconds, I had to fly again and win the competition. Thanks to the Energy Standard team who helped win, and Russian Alexander Krasnych, who stopped looking at me and thought the match was over too, so I had to finish the remaining 50m. Well at least everyone was having fun and we were all laughing in a healthy way. I hope there are no more jokes of this kind, “wrote D. Rapšys.
That was my third 400 ml / s bath in Budapest. After 350m I decided to stop and see where my …
Posted by Danas Rapšys on Thursday, November 5, 2020
D.Rapšys lost about 6 seconds in the last 50m. Aleksandras Krasnychas lost a little less – about 2 sec. It is true that it cost the Russian more because he was still second after 350 m and only finished fourth.
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