Rimas Bružas, who surprises those around him with impressive paintings: “This is my meditation” Names


“I have been drawing more intensely for about 4 years. And before that there was no time … I always drew, I always drank something, but only later I decided to try it more seriously, decide, choose colors and brushes “, – a conversation with 15 minutes R.Bružas begins.

When looking at a journalist’s drawings, it would be really difficult for an inexperienced eye to see if its author is a professional or not. However, R. Bružas emphasizes that he has not studied this trade, he has simply developed his gaze during many years of professional activity.

Photo by Justinas Stacevičius / Rimas Bružas

Photo by Justinas Stacevičius / Rimas Bružas

“It’s visual, so it wouldn’t make any sense. I think a lot of people who work with images have skills in one way or another. It’s the same gender,” he says. When asked what genre his own works are in, the director says it will probably be popart.

“However, as I am a self-taught person, it is difficult to push myself into any gender,” says R. Bružas. It is difficult to see any progress without learning to paint, my interlocutor. “But everything comes with experience, with practice. You discover that you can do it one way, you can do it differently, then you try something simpler or try to accept a challenge. You push and row forward with this principle of errors ”, the man shares his experience.

Personal album photo album / Rimas Bružas

Personal album photo album / Rimas Bružas

And how did R.Bruz himself advance in those four years? How many nights do you spend on, say, an image? In answering this question, the journalist emphasizes that in terms of time, the cases varied widely.

“Generally, the more time I spend sitting on a canvas, the more time I spend. Those formats are great. Be that as it may, it is easier to draw them. Even more so because mine is very detailed and small.

It depends a lot on how much time I find, but it must be stolen from my job. On average, it takes about a couple of weeks, and I spend about three weeks on a more complex drawing, “says the interlocutor, adding that there is approximately the same amount of time from the white canvas to the spray varnish.

Thousands of euros for raffles

Until now, R. Bružas considers painting a hobby, but, as he says, one day the gallery noticed his works. This is what he liked, so the gallery has announced the sale of non-professional art.

Personal album photo album / Rimas Bružas

Personal album photo album / Rimas Bružas

“That is why my drawings lie in the virtual gallery. If someone finds it interesting, it looks beautiful or attractive, it seems to fit on its walls or somehow matches the vibrations of what it sees, then they acquire that image,” explains the interlocutor. .

He says that such a gallery decision has really caused him, as a self-taught person, pleasant feelings. “If you write poems on Facebook, post them on Facebook, and the publisher calls you, then you said, dude, think we’d love to launch your haiku or a collection of poetry, it will really hit your heart,” he compares.

Photo album / personal drawing by Rimas Bružas

Photo album / personal drawing by Rimas Bružas

When asked about the prices at which he sells his drawings, Bružas says that the gallery itself does not do that, but sets the prices. “It just caught our eye then. For me, in principle, the materiality in this area is not delicious in terms of how much a painting costs. How much it is appreciated, so much. I don’t have a delicious commercial moment in this,” he says.

And yet, when you open the website, which contains many of the journalists’ drawings, you may notice that the prices here vary: they range from 555 to 2,715 euros. It looks like R. Bruges himself. He is engaged because it is basically a fun activity.

“There is such a thing that, first of all, a drawing is not designed to be sold, certainly not because of it. If you start drawing what is happening, you should probably draw kittens (according to I like Facebook looks like this).

Photo of Rimas Bružas / Pinturas

Photo of Rimas Bružas / Pinturas

You draw what you like, what is beautiful for you, you do what challenges you and you really don’t think if something is for you paeisar He will not go. Definitely not. At least I don’t think about it. It’s worth I don’t know … I can’t think of those categories, “admits the man.

Also, as he jokes, if the drawings were not sold, there would be no free walls at home. “My whole office is hanging at home. They also lie on the floor against the wall. I don’t want to be a warehouse. It’s fun, part of that game is sharing with people,” says Rimas.

Professions do not promise to change

Despite the fact that the success of the journalist’s drawings is considerable, and the compliments they leave on social networks do not seem short, R. Bružas does not promise to quit his job and immerse himself in the joys of brush and canvas.

Personal album photo album / Rimas Bružas

Personal album photo album / Rimas Bružas

“Twenty-two years have passed since I realized myself on television and in movies. Since the visual arts are somewhat close to me, this is another part of the overall picture puzzle. I really have no pretense of organizing exhibitions , it is only for my own pleasure. Some meditate in one way, others in another. This is my meditation, “says the interlocutor.

It is true, even about professional training in painting that you will not consider at all. “I’ve never had an idea like that, because I know very well that if you want to do something professionally, it takes a lot of time and effort.” Now I have a lot of television projects, there are documentary projects … Therefore, there is not even that need, “says R. Bružas.

Picture of Rimas Bružas / Drawing of Rimas Bružas

Picture of Rimas Bružas / Drawing of Rimas Bružas

Later, the man reveals that even his chosen way of painting, which is not a very detailed or realistic description of people, could suggest some gaps in knowledge. To avoid having to resort to textbooks on human anatomy, a journalist avoids depicting faces or bodies in detail.

“In part, I’m cheating that way,” he laughs.

Inspirational scar while working

R.Bružas’s drawings depict Lithuanian public figures, dancers, and random faces. There seems to be no particularly clear trend. The journalist explains that what he describes generally depends on that stage or instantaneous activity, project, internal state.

“There are times when you want a lot of color to shine. Again, there is probably some kind of mirror here ”, considers the interlocutor. Still, he, like many other artists, has no answer to the eternal question where inspiration comes from.

Personal album photo album / Rimas Bružas

Personal album photo album / Rimas Bružas

“I don’t know and many people probably wouldn’t be able to respond, come up with a formula on how to summon that inspiration or how it is treated. But someone has said that inspiration comes from work. I also really like it, as Algimantas Čekuolis, who writes a certain number of characters every day. Such formulas could also be valid in other areas, because when you do it, you do it “, concludes the conversation.
