Medicine works wonders and science is constantly advancing. Scientists are struggling to overcome aging, but the elixir of immortality is unlikely to emerge throughout the years of your life. People have been searching for special drugs for death for hundreds, maybe thousands of years. Now our understanding is much better, but immortality will not be achieved soon.
Researchers in Singapore have carefully studied various indicators of aging to determine the natural rate of human aging. Of course, it is reinforced by a variety of factors, including our own decisions. However, it would still be interesting to know what is the maximum age that a person can reach. According to scientists, that age is 150 years.
Researchers have developed a dynamic body condition indicator, DOSI, that includes a variety of factors that mark aging, including blood cell counts. With age, the quality of human blood deteriorates and this is a good reflection of the general condition of the body. This allows researchers to look at the progression of average aging differently and find the point where the accumulation of senile diseases and DNA defects, even ideally, becomes too high for life. That limit is 150 years.
What does this limit mean? Well, imagine the medicine picking up the pace even more. Several age-related diseases are effectively treated, medications no longer have side effects, and life is calm and stress-free. Even in this case, a person could only survive for up to 150 years. This is a threshold that can only be crossed once the aging problem is resolved.