The need for funds for the reconstruction of this section significantly exceeds investments, for which a much longer section of this road from Kaunas to Marijampolė was renewed: the 57-kilometer route, which started in 2015 and ended in November 2018, It cost 156.4 million in total. euros The amount of money per kilometer revolves around 2.7 million. euros
According to the reconstruction project for the 40-kilometer section of the Kaunas-Marijampolė-Suwałki highway approved by the government last November, 300 million will be needed to prepare a special plan and other works. euros
Aivaras Vilkelis, Director of the Department of Transportation Infrastructure Planning and Innovation of the Highway Administration, will be able to say a more precise price when the technical project is completed.
Under current plans, the stretch should be completed by 2025. Construction works are slated to begin in 2022, only after the completion of procedures for land grabbing for public needs and preparation of technical projects.
The current Minister of Transport and Communications, Jaroslav Narkevičius, has said that the total cost of rebuilding this section of the road will be about 370 million. euros Then it will take 9.3 million per kilometer. euros
Even the Vilnius-Utena highway, which is currently undergoing substantial renovation, is much cheaper. For example, this week, EU support for its 16-21.5 kilometer section, which totals 31,371 million. euros OR 5.7 million. per kilometer