“So far we have not felt the role of presenters, we have not yet hosted the show, our turn is still waiting. We are preparing intensively at this time,” he said.
New game producer Arūnas Valinskas offered Norvilams to join the Teleloto team. Talking to People.lt of course, the woman admitted that she had not argued with the man for a long time whether to accept this offer.
“When a serious person calls and offers something like that, we knew immediately we had to address it,” he smiled.

Photo from the archives of Deivis and Renata Norvila / Fotobankas
R. Norvilė did not hide, being part of the renewed Telelotas team is a great responsibility for her.
“After all, the viewer needs to be interested, he needs to get closer to him, to give people a good mood … It is very important to do that,” said the interpreter.
Renata admitted that September is a very busy time for her.

Davis and Renata Norvilos with children / Photo by Naglio Bieranco
“My three projects are also my three children, because science has started recently. We live in strange times, every day we continue to think about whether we will go to school or not. Right now, I focus on children, I work as a receiver”, she said. He laughed, adding that he wouldn’t want to repeat the scenario from last school year when the children were distance learning: “It was extremely difficult for both our parents and our children. After all, he wants the child to be the best he can be. When the children they go to school, they have several different lessons, and here they have them with them pass all things, to explain to you what will happen next, what the settlements will be. All the lessons had to be photographed, submitted or uploaded to different platforms. I had to find something to smell in each place, and I am a weak person in computing, this is not my field, I had to learn a lot, there was a lot of work ”.

Renata Norvilė and Neringa Nekrašiūtė / Photo by Jelena Kurbatova Photography
It is true that Renata prepares another surprise for her fans. She, along with the singer and her friend Neringa Nekrašiūtė, will soon release a new song by the band La Forza, written by Davis.
“We are looking forward to the premiere and hope these songs will not be heard in quarantine.” – R. Norvilė smiled.

Renata Norvilė and Neringa Nekrašiūtė / Photo by Jelena Kurbatova Photography