Relief for Jasikevičius: the two most important stops in Barcelona are back in line


Davies was injured last December and Barça soon lost to Mirotičius for personal reasons.

Until the tall players played, a greater burden than usual fell on Artiom Pustovoy of Ukraine, Pierre Oriola of Spain and Roland Schmidt of Latvia, who had become the main center forward.

In the Euroleague, bleeding Š. Jasikevičius students stumbled three times in a row, but then mobilized and won three games in a row.

“We will have to add them to the game a bit, because they still lack the rhythm of the competition. It is an interesting stage of the season, in which it is necessary to integrate such important players,” said the strategist of the Spanish club from Lithuania.

B. Davies spent an average of 21 minutes after the injury in the Euroleague during the match on the parquet. and scored 11.5 points and rebounded 3.8 rebounds.

N. Mirotičius was the most useful basketball player on the team – in 26 minutes. he scored 16.8 points and bounced 6.6 balls.

Barcelona will fight in Belgrade on Friday from 8:00 p.m. Lithuanian time.

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