“If it still happens that a serious nuclear accident will occur at the Belarusian nuclear power plant, then together with VATESI, the specialists from the Environmental Protection Agency, we have modeled several worst-case scenarios. There will be no worst-case scenario, because it is enough with change one component of the stage and the stage can be even worse, ”said R. Stasiūnaitien dijo at a remote press conference.
“On average, a radioactive cloud, depending on the direction and speed of the wind, would reach Vilnius in a couple of hours,” he said.
According to her, maintaining contact with the Belarusian authorities is difficult.
“It is really difficult to stay in touch with the relevant Belarusian institutions, perhaps due to the political situation. I would like to point out that the radiation background data from the early warning stations is certainly not obtained from stations stationed on Belarusian territory. Lithuania has built 14 early warning stations near the border with Belarus, so that if any leakage of radioactive materials enters the environment, environmental contamination will be recorded as soon as possible, ”said R. Stasiūnaitienė.
After the CN Astravo exploded with several voltage transformers in one of the units connected to the generator, the CN Astravo stopped generating electricity on Sunday, tut.by reported.
Litgrid System Control Center on Tuesday at 11:06. after recording data showing electricity production at the Litgrid nuclear power plant since 11.38 am. establish 0 megawatts of bandwidth for the flow of commercial electricity from Belarus.
Belarus is building a 2,400 MW nuclear power plant near the city of Astrava, which is 50 kilometers from Vilnius. The plant will be made up of two 1,200 MW power units.
Lithuania criticizes the project which, in the opinion of the country’s representatives, is being implemented in violation of nuclear safety requirements.
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