R. Westbrook debuted for the Wizards | Sportas.lt


Russell westbrook he made his debut for the Wizards in Washington and celebrated his victory in the last friendly.

The local team from the American capital 99:96 (31:27, 32:22, 20:27, 16:20) defeated the Detroit Pistons.

The Wizards have never been left behind in the past three quarters. In the final seconds, the Pistons were able to compare the score to a three point, but their two point was inaccurate.

R. Westbrook played 17 minutes, scored 8 points, bounced seven balls and had three assists.

The minutes indicate that David Sirvydis, who has signed a contract with the Pistons, is not currently with the team.

“Pistons”: Derrick Rose and Jeram Grant at 14, Josh Jackson at 13, Blake Griffin and Killian Hayes at 11.

“Wizards”: Thomas Bryant 22, Bradley Beal 15, Robin Lopez 13, Raul Net 10.

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