R.Karbauskis: Plans to increase the income of the population were discussed with the President


“We talk about labor tax issues, how to reduce labor taxes, and there are several ways to do it,” Karbauskis said after a conference meeting with the BNS president on Monday.

The leader of the Union of Peasants and Greens of Lithuania stated that the taxation of people’s income would be reduced, only considering which way to choose: reduce the income tax, as proposed by the President, or increase the amount of income tax free.

“There will definitely be a decision to cut labor taxes as it will be, a technical problem that needs to be addressed, how to do it. There is no question that it needs to be done, it’s just how to do it,” said R. Karbauskis.

“We said that we are waiting for the government calculations, there is no difference of opinion, there is a common goal, to solve the problems of increasing people’s incomes, reducing expenses to be different (during the crisis) in 2008-2009,” he said. R. Karbauskis. .

G.Nausėda has offered 20 to 15 percent. temporarily lower personal income tax, but the government is still cautious with this idea.

Rimantas Sinkevičius, the elder of the ruling Social Democratic Labor Group, said the party supports the initiative to reduce taxes on employees.

“My political strength is in favor of tax cuts for workers, and we think the president’s initiative is worth considering. The only question remains: whether to reduce the personal income tax or increase the non-taxable minimum, we will discuss this topic, ”R. Sinkevičius told BNS.

The head of state also has not responded if he will sign the law passed by Seimas last week on benefits of 200 euros for retirees, people with social disadvantages and job seekers. R. Karbauskis claimed that the country’s head did not mention his decision to the rulers on Monday.

“I cannot say whether or not I will sign, the president did not say that, he simply said that he was interested in making the decisions broader, to involve more groups in society,” said R. Karbauskis.

G. Nausėda says he supports the very idea of ​​benefits, but wants the support to reach more groups in society, and that the funds must be paid before the end of the summer. According to the President, he is considering the possibility of preparing his proposals and vetoing the law approved by the Seimas.

“In principle, I agree, but if we can formulate it more broadly and precisely and perhaps even move the implementation deadline forward, I will have only one opportunity to veto this law, not to cross the road to these changes, but to present my proposals. ” and they would be implemented and we could all be happy that the right decisions are being made, “G. Nausėda told LRT television in an interview on Friday night.

R.Karbauskis confirmed the head of the country to convince that the veto would be a negative signal for the public.

“There is false information in the public that we made a decision only for pensioners and disabled, that 200 euros is the total decision we made, the opposition is specifically doing to oppose the public, when in reality the amount for pensioners and disabled is 180 millions”. “The entire package is approximately one billion euros, which is money for those who lost their jobs and the preservation of jobs,” said the LVŽS leader.

On Monday, President G. Nausėda will discuss with leaders of all parliamentary factions what must be done to mitigate the damage caused by COVID-19.

In total, three presidential conversations are planned with the elders of the Seimas factions: representatives of the ruling, opposition and non-opposition minorities.
