Putin offers RTErdogan a Russian “Sputnik” vaccine


During a warm conversation after three hours of talks at Putin’s residence in the Sochi resort on the Black Sea, the Russian leader said that he had recently spent an entire day with a coronavirus-infected aide, but that he himself had not noticed. sick.

“I have a lot of antibodies, thank God I’m lucky,” Putin told RTErdogan at his palm-fringed residence.

“So next time you get vaccinated again, [rinkitės] “Sputnik,” said the Russian president, broadcasting his comments on television.

RTErdogan, for his part, said he had already been vaccinated with a booster dose from Pfizer and had antibody levels of 1,100.

“Then next time,” Putin replied.

RTErdogan didn’t answer anything, he just laughed.

Earlier this month, the 68-year-old Kremlin host had to isolate himself for two weeks after COVID-19 fell ill with dozens of people in his immediate area.

Russia recorded a record 857 deaths from COVID-19 for the second day in a row on Wednesday.

According to the latest increase in casualties, the total number of deaths in the country has risen to 206,388, the highest in Europe.

Russian authorities are accused of trying to hide the true scale of the outbreak.

Several Russian vaccines, including Sputnik, have been available for many months, but doctors are struggling to persuade people who are skeptical about vaccination.

By Wednesday, just under 30 percent. Russians have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19, according to the Gogov website, which collects data from the regions.
