Public transport in Vilnius will move faster: it has been announced where the A-lanes will be expanded in the coming years


Yesterday, Thursday, shared SĮ “Piekimo paslaugos” 2021-2022. plans to expand A lanes.

“Currently, 36 km of them are in Vilnius, and during 2021-2022. we plan to have more than 46 km of A-lanes, ”says the report.

The development is planned in the following sections of streets:

  • T. Narbuto g. between Laisv Las ave. and Erelių st. (Avda. Konstitucijos)
  • Ozo g. between Gelvonų st. and Kernavės st.
  • Kareivių st. between Verkių st. and Kalvarijų st.
  • Kalvarijų st. between Šeimyniškių st. and Žalgirio st. (Trimitų st.)
  • Kalvarijų st. between Žalgirio st. (Trimitų Street) and Avda. Konstitucijos.
  • Kalvarijų st. between Žalgirio street. and J. Treinio st.
  • Pilaitės ave. between V. Pociūno str. and Sietyno str.
  • Šeimyniškių st. between Kalvarijų st. and Tuskulėnų st.
  • Šeimyniškių st. between Tuskulėnų str. and Kalvarijų st.
  • Buivydiškių st. between Dūkštų st. and Ozo str.
  • V. Kudirkos st. between J. Basanavičiaus st. and J. Jasinskio st.

“A network of bandwidth compared to the current one by 2030. will probably double. We estimate that public transport trips will be around 10 percent. Faster. It is true, not only because of the A lanes, but also because of the increase in the number of new vehicles, because of the optimization of the movement of public transport, adaptation to urban development and the flow of travelers, the organization of traffic and other factors,

What else awaits us in 2021-2022? New public transport routes are projected by low capacity ecological buses in the periphery of the city. There will be approximately 40 new station pavilions, 27 billboards, managed access to stations for more convenient waiting, and customer information.
