Proven: Not all beauty salons that have just opened their doors meet safety requirements


The inspections will assess compliance with the necessary conditions for the protection of public health, hygiene, workers and buyers with the necessary personal protective equipment, that is. and. if the flow of buyers is restricted, if the relevant gaps between the buyers are marked, if only visitors wearing masks and arriving in groups of no more than 2 people are admitted, or warnings are issued to people at risk and other requirements of quarantine.

A total of 493 points of sale and service points were inspected on Friday. The majority – 61 percent. of all those inspected were beauty service providers, 26 percent. places inspected: non-food establishments (clothing, footwear, household items, etc.), 13 percent. – markets, museums, sports and service areas, botanical gardens, public places where plants are sold for planting.

Violations were found in only 29 of the 493 surveyed places (6%) and almost all (97%) were registered in hairdressers and beauty salons that had just opened their doors. The main violation is that not all necessary protection measures are used during the provision of the service (without eye protection), no warning information is provided to people at risk. There were also cases in which beauty services were provided without the necessary hygiene passport for this activity.

The largest number of non-compliant beauty service providers was detected in Klaipėda County – 64%, Kaunas – 25%.

Identified violators will develop administrative infraction protocols and fines will be imposed.
Failure to comply with these requirements is subject to administrative responsibility. People face a fine of between 500 and 1,500 euros, managers of legal entities or other responsible persons, of 1,500 to 6,000 euros.

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