Professor Tomas Janeliūnas. President or Prime Minister: who should fly to Brussels?


Consequence of political practice

Recently, it has been questioned once again whether the Lithuanian president should be Lithuania’s representative on the EVS, it has been said that many EU member states are represented by prime ministers, and EVS issues are often related to questions of ” national policy “, such as COVID. -19 vaccine orders. Matas Maldeikis, a member of the conservative faction, even hinted that the president does not have a seat at the EVT table under the Constitution.

The last statement is not entirely false. However, in this way, this place would not belong to the Prime Minister or the Prime Minister of Lithuania. Our Constitution simply says nothing about who should represent Lithuania in EVS. The representation of Lithuania in the EVS is not defined in the Constitution or other laws, but rather in political practice. It was the political agreement, the established practice and the acceptance of this practice shaped by many political actors and society that determined that the President of Lithuania, and not the Prime Minister, was sitting at the EVS table for more than ten years.

In fact, this is a small difference compared to other EU member states. Of the 27 EU members, only Cyprus, France, Romania and Lithuania are represented by presidents. All other countries delegate to prime ministers. However, this situation was not due to the will of these four countries to behave “differently”, but to the type of their political system.
