On Wednesday, President Gitanas Nausėda met with Darius Vedrick, the current director of the Central Procurement Authority, the candidate for the position of head of the VPN.
“The main expectations of the president for the head of the institution are three: first, to continue the principles and politically resistant activities of the VPN both in the prevention and in the clarification of violations of the public procurement law, to respond to rising public expectations. The third thing is to actively contribute to the implementation of the president’s initiatives in the field of public procurement; these are changes in professionalism and centralization, “J. Šovienė told reporters on Wednesday.
According to her, the decision on the appointment of this candidate is expected to be made on Wednesday afternoon.
For his part, Mr. Vedrick, when asked what shortcomings and weaknesses he would highlight in the current public procurement system, highlighted the development of skills.
“In my opinion, the main thing should be the development of competencies. We have to ask ourselves what is important to us, whether it is a consequence or a cause. We have many violations of the public procurement law, some of which are minor and (due to ELTA) incompetent. The goal, as mentioned by the president, is to develop procurement competencies and the necessary legislation is in place, “said D. Vedrick.
He said he had not met with the future new rulers, but hoped to find common ground with them.
“I hope that we will find a common language, because the goal is probably common to all: to open up the public procurement system and increase trust in it,” said Vedrick.
Diana Vilytė has not had a permanent VPT head since Diana Vilytė resigned from this position in October 2019. Currently VPT is temporarily led by Deputy Director Jovita Petkuvienė.
The president has said that it is difficult to find a VPN administrator due to the low salary of the position.
The director of the institution is appointed for a period of four years.
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