Preliminary data shows a decrease: 15 percent of revenue was collected in the first half of the year. less than planned


According to preliminary data, in June, state budget revenue received about 15.9 percent. (159.8 million euros) less than expected and around 10.5%. (99.4 million euros) less than a year ago. The result of the revenue collection in June of this year is better than in May, during which the revenue was 29.2 percent. (253.4 million euros) less than expected and 19.4% (148 million euros) less than in May last year.

Revenue collection in June reflects the results of operations in May, taking into account deferred tax payments from companies affected by COVID-19, which increased by approximately $ 135 million during the month. At the end of June, it amounted to about 570 million euros. euros

The revised and more detailed information on revenue collection from the state and municipal budget will be published in the second half of July.

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