“Peasants” and “workers” came up with a clever plan after Skvernell left


Now, the position of leader of the opposition in case of agreement could be acquired by the new democratic faction “On behalf of Lithuania”, the Group of Regions and the faction of the Lithuanian Social Democratic Party (LSDP).

Agnė Širinskienė, a member of the LVŽS faction, commenting on the possible scenarios of the deal, emphasized that values ​​are more important when concluding a deal than access to positions.

“You can never be sure of anything in politics, but I think it is not the leader of the opposition as a position that is important,” A. Širinskienė told LRT radio on Wednesday.

“We have to look for common ground.” I really don’t see the problem of speaking more widely at the opposition level, it is important that there is consensus and it is not the case that you argue in the same way in the morning, and you see completely different values. ” In the Chamber ”, said the politician.

The “peasant” stressed that although his political force and the “workers” no longer have enough seats to elect an opposition leader, the cooperation agreement between these factions is maintained. According to A. Širinskienė, LVŽS and Labor Party have similarities in value.

“We really have a lot of points of contact in, say, family politics with the ‘workers’ themselves. It can be difficult to start talking to those groups that are new and where the values ​​are not entirely clear on the basis of the values, but I think that unity is the base ”, he said.
At that time, it would be more difficult to agree on value divisions with the Social Democrats from the “peasant” point of view.

“It is our duty, as the largest remaining faction in the opposition, to work for unification. We have really repeatedly called on the Social Democrats, only for them, apparently, those values ​​are more acceptable on the right, as we can see in the votes. ”Explained A. Širinskienė.

V. Fyodorov: all options are possible

Viktor Fyodorov, the eldest of the Labor Party faction, was also skeptical about the chances of other opposition factions to come to terms with the LSDP.

“Apparently, all options are really possible, but more than once the Social Democrats have said that, in general, they would not want an agreement in the opposition coalition, and there are no such plans. Apparently it is a less realistic option for all the remaining opposition factions to come together and make a new deal, “V. Fyodorov told LRT radio.

However, he does not rule out that the Labor Party faction and the LVŽS may still reach an agreement with the Regions faction. According to the “employee”, such an agreement between the three factions could be concluded next week.
As for the Group of Regions, as all sorts of additional issues have come up this week, I hope that this Friday we will be sitting at the table with our fellow ‘peasants’. And next week there could be a council from our party, if we could see that everything is going well ”, reasoned V. Fyodorov.

A. Butkevičius: I believe that the leaders of the opposition factions will sit at the joint table in the near future.

Algirdas Butkevičius, a MP from the newly formed Democratic faction “On behalf of Lithuania”, does not reject the idea that all opposition factions can negotiate the position of the opposition leader.

“The Democratic Group is open, constructive, and willing to discuss with all opposition groups. I believe that the leaders of the opposition factions will come to the table in the near future and speak about non-emotions and seek the best options for who can become the leader of the opposition ”, waited A. Butkevičius.

A. Sys: it’s good to think of us

ELTA recalls that the largest of the LSDP faction, Algirdas Sysas, said on Tuesday that the Social Democrats had not yet discussed the possibilities of reaching an agreement with the new “Vardan Lietuvos” faction. Although the politician hinted that there would be more opportunities to dialogue with the new Skvernel group, he also stressed that the parliamentarian himself did not see much sense in signing such an agreement. However, the eldest of the LSDP group was pleased that MPs from other groups are also thinking of Social Democrats.

“Excellent. It’s good to think of us. We’ll consider it, but there hasn’t been such a discussion yet. It’s a bit new to us here,” laughed A. Sys.

Following the exodus of former Prime Minister S. Skvernelis and nine other MPs, the opposition coalition consisting only of the “peasants” and the Labor Party factions loses the position of leader of the opposition. For an opposition coalition to delegate its leader, it needs the votes of more than half of the parliamentarians in the opposition coalition. With 10 parliamentarians leaving the ranks of the “peasants”, the coalition would consist of 22 members of the LVŽS and ten more “workers”. At that time, the new faction of S. Skvernelis “On behalf of Lithuania” will consist of ten former peasants and three more parliamentarians from mixed groups. The LSDP group also has 13 politicians, so if the 9-seat Group of the Regions decides to reach an agreement with the last two political forces, this coalition would have 35 seats, enough to elect its opposition leader.

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