Opposition forces fail to agree on cooperation: LVŽS seeks additional faction members


The Lithuanian Green and Peasant Union (LVŽS) faction in the Seimas lacks two members so that they can delegate a candidate for the position of opposition leader in the Seimas.

“We communicate with the members of the mixed members of Seimas, in a professional way. We speak, we explain their dispositions, we speak and invite. But each member of the Seimas represents their constituent, has their vision and above all those who belong to the Mixed Group of Seimas members, they don’t really commit to any party, but conversations are being held, “A. Norkienė told LRT radio and noted that.

“Our goal is a united opposition that functions constructively, because only in this way can we achieve that the voice of the opposition is heard more, that it is also represented on the Seimas Board,” he said.

However, Algirdas Sys, the leader of the Social Democratic Group, believes that the three opposition forces can agree unless there is a rotating leader. According to him, there is still no reason to sign an agreement between political forces, because there are considerable ideological differences between the party he represents and the “peasants”.

“The position of our group is that we are in no hurry to talk about the agreements, we want to see how the ideological work of LVZS with Karbauskis will change after his resignation. We really don’t see such a need today. The issue is only about the opposition leader, “Sys told LRT radio, noting that if the” peasants “cannot find some parliamentarians to join the faction, the opposition leader will only be able to rotate.

“Saulius Skvernelis could be the leader of the opposition if any of the factions complemented the LVŽS and gathered the necessary number of opposition members to have the leader of the opposition. In other cases, the situation may be the same as in the period above, depending on the number of members, and then an opposition leader from each faction is appointed for a period of time. I don’t see a different option, “said A. Sys, commenting on the possibilities of former Prime Minister S. Skvernelis to assume the position of leader of the opposition.

Last week, Ramūnas Karbauskis, leader of the “peasants”, also commented on the possibilities of the opposition forces to sign a cooperation agreement. He told Eltai that such an agreement is currently only possible between opposition factions, not parties. He said he would not currently sign any agreements with Labor Party chairman Viktor Uspaskich, who offers the public access to water that supposedly helps build immunity against COVID-19.

On Wednesday Vigilijus Jukna, the largest of the Labor Party faction in the Seimas, also reacted to R. Karbauskis’s opinion. According to him, those speeches by R. Karbauskis are regrettable.

Regarding the general opposition work, one can only regret the rhetoric of some colleagues and the statements that work is only possible between factions and not between parties. I want to emphasize that the Labor Party has a clear structure and the faction does not separate from the party in any way, “the” employee “told LRT radio.

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