On September nights, look up at the sky: spectacular phenomena await you in Lithuania


The Star Observatory Observatory

Optical technology expert Justinas Kaušinis from online shopping center Varle.lt shares simple tips to help you see more of the beauty of the Universe.

The most important rule to see something in the sky is to get out of the city. Eliminating city lights and pollution is the simplest thing you can do to see something. Naturally, the higher you climb geographically, the more distracting elements we will remove from the horizon, the press release said.

Smart constellations. In ancient times, people looked at the stars with the naked eye and learned much more from them than now. It is true that the use of constellations is not that easy to learn, although it is very exotic. However, learning to recognize the main stars is absolutely necessary and here you will be assisted by smart devices full of sky observation assistance.

Take care of warm clothes. Looking at the sky is not a very active process, so even on a summer night, the romance can quickly end with a grit of teeth.

Adapt your eyes to the dark. The eyes get used to the dark in at least 20 minutes. One look at the bright light will ruin everything. “If you need to light, use a red flashlight,” advises J. Kaušinis.

The main mistake of newcomers and how not to get lost in the telescope specializations

As soon as you start stargazing, investing in the most expensive tools really doesn’t need to be in a rush. It is said that orientation in the sky must be learned first with the naked eye and then with the help of devices.

The expert mentions the main mistake of novice observers: “Most beginners are in a rush to buy an inexpensive ‘toy’ telescope. These telescopes often have poor and dark optics, a very unstable mount, and an awkward / unstable mounting. You are likely to be disappointed because you will not see anything beautiful and your interest in astronomy will end without knowing the beauty of the universe. “

According to an expert in online shopping malls, there are three types of telescopes:

1. Refractors – lens-only telescope design;

2. Reflectors: the design of the telescope is based solely on mirrors;

3. Catadiopters: telescopes that use the advantages of both constructions.

“When choosing a telescope, you need to know what you want to observe. Reflecting telescopes are especially suitable for observing galaxies and nebulae, large, pale objects. You will never see them through a smaller refractor or they will just be weak and shapeless spots. However, such a refractor can be perfectly used to observe bright objects, the moon or the Earth’s closest neighboring planets ”, says J. Kaušinis.

The treasures of the autumn sky can be seen in Lithuania

In total, the sky is divided into 88 constellations, 25 of which never appear in the Lithuanian sky.

The southern half of the constellation sky is occupied in autumn by the stars of the constellation Andromeda, arranged in a single line and almost equal distances. Andromeda’s star Alferacas, together with the three stars of the constellation Pegasus, form a giant quadrilateral. On the other (east) side of Andromeda, the constellation Persia sparkles with its chain of stars.

There are up to four visible planets in September: a great time to observe Mars and Saturn, in good conditions you can see Mercury and Venus, although you will have to be careful and patience to see them.

The eerie light-emitting Bird Trail will run north-south in the fall, showing where migratory birds should fly.

The exploration of the starry sky must continue beyond the polar constellations, which are always above the horizon at our latitude. After finding North, which always hangs at the same height above the horizon, and inspecting the pale stars around it, they will indicate the main directions of smaller objects.

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