In a somewhat unexpected victory in Group D of the German Cup, Medi from Bairoit (1/0) 95:89 (20:22, 22:18, 20:26, 33:23) knocking down Euroleague Bayern Munich (0/1).
Bayern were 66:62 before the fourth quarter, but Medi dictated the conditions at a crucial moment. Bairoit’s team started the 13: 2 streak and managed to maintain the lead until the end of the match.
Contributed significantly to the unexpected victory Osvaldas Olisevičius, in 18 minutes he scored 18 points (6/7 of two points, 2/2 of three points), bounced 4 balls, stole an opponent once, made 2 mistakes and made one mistake and scored 20 utility points.
Among the winners, Frank Bartley, who scored just 25 points, surpassed Lithuania. Andreas Seifert scored another 12 points, followed by Ryan Woolridge and Dererk Pardon.
Paul Zipser (18/8 triples), Robin Amaize, 13 Nick Weiler-Babb, 13 Jawan Johnson, 12 Wade Baldwin and Jalen Reynolds scored 18 points for the Munich club.
The German Cup started this season in a four-group format, with a total of 16 teams competing in it. In Group D, Merlins from Krailsheim and Syntainics from Weisenfels also play alongside teams from Bayreuth and Munich.
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