of puppies buried alive brought underground


On Sunday around 6 pm, a specialist from the SFVS Šiauliai department noticed a record on the social network Facebook about puppies brought just a few hours ago from the Šiauliai district. A citizen living in Ginkūnai buried alive. The same information was soon confirmed by a call from a Šiaulių Letenėlė volunteer.

The screeching of puppies from the ground and the screeching of a female dog trying to save her puppies were heard by neighbors, who reported the impending disaster.

“The puppy rescue operation was organized quickly and smoothly, so we want to thank the volunteers and the indifferent neighbors who suffer from pets, the representatives of the local municipality. We tried to react and act as quickly as possible to save all the puppies, five were able to be freed from under the ground, but unfortunately one was too late to help – he died. It is difficult to understand how someone did not shake hands to bury newborn puppies alive. The person who carried out these actions was intoxicated, he admitted to having buried the puppies, but the most unfortunate thing is that he did not see anything wrong with it, ”commented Daiva Kazlauskienė, an advisor to the SFVS Šiauliai Department, who raised the puppies from the ground.

According to D. Kazlauskienė, when the veterinary inspectors inspected the room where the dog was kept with the puppies, they found empty bowls, they were not helped to drink neither food nor water.

The dog with the rescued puppies is already safe, they are currently being handed over to temporary guardians, who were quickly found by Šiauliai Letenėlė volunteers. A citizen has been prosecuted for treating a citizen cruelly, and all material collected will be turned over to police officers for criminal prosecution.
