NVSC Seeks Human Involvement to Control Spread of Coronavirus, Explains How to Deal With


There are currently delays in the epidemiological diagnosis of people who test positive for coronavirus infection. This week the mobilization of additional forces was agreed, so the process should proceed smoothly in the future, but the mobilization of the population is particularly important at this time.

How to behave when I am sick?

1. Isolate.

2. Inform high-risk individuals to isolate themselves and complete the NVSC questionnaire and wait for the NVSC specialists to call in isolation.

3. Consult your family doctor, listen to his instructions.

4. When you contact an NVSC specialist, please provide the information requested by them. Don’t be mad at a specialist if you don’t apply the same day or even the next day.

Visual NVSC / How to deal with contact with a person carrying the virus

Visual NVSC / How to deal with contact with a person carrying the virus

How to deal with an exposed person?

The person exposed is 3 days before the person who has already been confirmed to have coronavirus develops symptoms and the person who has been in contact for two weeks after the onset of symptoms. At that time, if the person was in contact with a patient who did not have characteristic COVID-19 symptoms, then the person who was in contact after 72 hours is considered to have been in contact. before taking a smear from a patient who tested positive and 14 days after taking a smear.

A person at high risk (close contact with COVID-19) is considered a person who:

  • communicated with the infected person at a distance of less than 2 meters for more than 15 minutes, or a person who had direct physical contact;
  • if the person has been in direct contact without protective measures with body fluids contaminated in the COVID-19 kit;
  • stay in a confined space with a person with COVID-19 for more than 15 minutes.

A person who has been in contact with an infected coronavirus for more than 15 minutes at a distance of more than 2 meters is considered to have a low risk of exposure.
