NVSC reviews information posted in the morning – this was due to employee fatigue, stress and strain


“On November 13, 2020 until 5 pm The NVSC received 1,044 positive test results, of which 817 cases were interviewed (227 cases remained epidemiologically unexamined).

Cases were not investigated in these counties yesterday, their investigation was conducted today until 9:00 p.m.: 28 cases were not investigated in Alytus County, Marijampolė – 9, Klaipėda – 71, Panevėžys – 55, Šiauliai – 25 , Telšiai – 2, Vilnius – 37 “, – says the report.

NVSC also notes that on Saturday until 9 pm An investigation was conducted not only of those who entered the system yesterday afternoon and evening (487), but also those received today.

“On average, a person examines 4 to 6 cases per day, which is in line with the standard of the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control, which states that the epidemiological diagnosis of a case lasts from 40 minutes. at 2 pm

Therefore, to investigate about 1,500 cases per day, the number of specialists who perform case traceability is required: 250-350, so the help of volunteers from the Lithuanian Armed Forces and entrepreneurship is currently irreplaceable ”Says NVSC.

The center says it regrets the mistake, it was caused by employee fatigue, stress and strain.

“The data provided in the system was not evaluated in its entirety, that is, the moment of importation of the positive tests to the system and those that entered the system late in the afternoon and at night, when the test is not performed. distribution of cases, included in unexamined cases The process of assigning cases for epidemiological investigation begins at 6 pm in the morning.

We would like to inform you that the positive results of the tests automatically enter the ESPBI IS, since the integration of these systems has been in operation since March 2020 ”, the report reads.

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