A virus is spreading on the internet, announcing that President Gitan Nauseda is supposedly donating thousands of euros in cash. Depending on the letter of the name, it is said, you can win from 5,000. up to 60 thousand. euros.
Based on the record, the President will award the first 500 people who shared the record. The record’s authors, presenting themselves on behalf of G. Nausėda, encourage recording and commentary.
A good number of Internet users seem to have believed the record. In the first hour, the post was shared by almost a thousand people, and another two thousand commented on the post.

Not the first time
However, Internet users who have shared the post will be upset. President G. Nausėda does not give cash to his followers. The presidency itself, after reviewing the broadcast record, denies that it was written by G. Nausėda.
“In recent weeks, there have been dozens of fake presidential Facebook accounts spreading misleading content similar to the example you posted. Once information about those accounts is received, the information about them is immediately provided to social media administrators and they cancel immediately, “said Antanas Bubnelis, the president’s media spokesman.

Administrators must be notified
Experts say that the purpose of such searches is likely to mock them. Efforts are made to create such records based on people’s emotions, desires, and available knowledge.
“The post is more like a joke, an attempt to create a so-called viral registry that would be distributed to trusted users. People’s desire for easy money is obviously manipulated, with a certain belief in miracles and the like, ”says Dr. Viktor Denisenko, assistant to the Research Center for Journalism and Media at Vilnius University.
According to the expert, when creating the record, the surname of G. Naus chosenda was chosen not only for him. G. Nausėda is known to a large part of the public as a person related to finance, and the record is about money. Such content, according to Denisenko, can discredit the president.
“This type of registry interacts with certain narratives and myths about the personality of the current president. It is known that G. Nausėda came to politics from the banking sector, that is, at least a part of society is seen as a person associated with a lot of money, wealth and the like, ”says V. Denisenko.
When viewing such records, Denisenko recommends critically evaluating the information provided, not sharing such records. Whenever possible, questionable content should be reported to the social network administration.
“Today, most social networks offer the ability to report suspicious records with a single click,” Denisenko said.
The profile that published the post is already blocked.