NKVD document on rescued Jews from Telšiai county published


The report states that in 1941 In the summer of 2006, Juozas Straupys organized the escape of 9 Jewish families from the Telšiai ghetto. He, along with others, hid the 26 Jews who had fled the ghetto until the end of the Nazi occupation, fed and groomed them. Jews rescued from death were secretly organized, constantly changing hiding places. The Jews were rescued by the Telšiai district despite the imminent threat of death. Alsėdžių vls. Šarneles, Jurgaičiai, Rotenėnai and others. villagers, priests of the parishes of Alsėdžiai and Žemaičiai Kalvarija, teacher of the Alsėdžiai school. The Alsėdžiai police chief contributed to the rescue, who “warned the people hiding the Jews about the planned search and did not begin the search until he received a message that the Jews had been safely hidden.”

It is now possible to familiarize yourself with the document and read an extract from its translation into Lithuanian (translated by Povilas Girdenis, Head of the Documentation Division of the Ministry of the Interior of the Lithuanian Special Archives).

“NKVD Army Board for the Protection of the Back of the First Baltic Front

/ Intelligence Division /


Interim army

1944 October 18 No. 4/00921


Vilnius city

1944 in mid-October to Kalvarija mstl., Alsėdžiai district, Telšiai county, Lithuanian Soviet Socialist Republic. Two Jewish citizens, Jochelis FIŠKINAS and Israel FAKTORAS, came to our army unit, who reported that after the Germans attacked the territory of the Lithuanian Soviet Socialist Republic, they, along with other Jews, were imprisoned in Telšiai in the GETE founded in Germany (this word is written everywhere in the document).

1941 In the summer of 1941, Juozas STRAUPYS, a wealthy peasant from the village of Alsėdžiai valsčius, was liberated by 26 wealthy peasants from the Šetelė village of the Alsėdžiai parish, which was surrounded by several rows of barbed wire and guarded by guards.

The liberation of the Jews from the GETO and their hiding from the appalling terror that took place during the German occupation was accompanied by great hardship and mortal danger both for those who showed determination and dedication and for their families.

To save the Jews from the GETO and save their lives, STRAUPYS rode 30 km to Telšiai, discovered the GETO fence, the protection order and entered the GETO territory through a sewer pipe one dark night. There he contacted the first Jews he met and offered them help in organizing the escape.

STRAUPYS freed 9 families, a total of 26 people, through the use of a sewer pipe and various damage to the protective wire fence ”.

The full document can be read on the website of the Lithuanian Special Archives https://www.archyvai.lt/lt/lya/rugsejo-23-iaja-6scs.html
