Nine new eco-bus routes planned in Vilnius


“Buying green vehicles and developing public transport services in remote areas of Vilnius is an important and necessary step. We are renovating the capital’s public transport fleet and can already receive impressive statistics: more than half of all public transport is new. I believe this will further encourage Vilnius residents to move around the city and choose public transport, which at the same time will help reduce congestion on the streets and improve the quality of life, ”said Danuta Narbut, deputy director of the Administration.

Nine new bus routes would be integrated into the city’s public transport system, which would reach the following residential areas: Kriaučiūnai, Platiniškės, Pilaitė, Rokantiškės, Kryžiokai Gardens, Visorius, Didžioji Gulbinas, Mažuosius Gulbinus, Riovonius Gulbinus, Pavilius Gulbinus, Riovonisbinius, Pavilius , Paviliusia Gardens, Gulbinus. The locations have been selected based on the size of the area’s population and in order to promote a more sustainable movement through the city, according to a municipal report.

“With this competition for new routes, we want to enter more distant but relevant residential areas, garden communities, from which many people move to the center every day. We have estimated that with the introduction of buses on new routes, public transportation will be available for approximately 52,000 people. residents who currently do not have access to public transportation. In this way, we will improve the quality of your life and movement, and we will reduce the harmful impact of the transport sector on the environment ”, says Modesta Gusarovienė, Director of SĮ„ Įimoimo paslaugos ”.

The new routes are planned to be served by M2 or M3 class buses with approximately 22 seats each. They meet the highest environmental requirements, with the least pollution. The specific number of buses will be specified during the tender, but it is tentatively estimated that at least 22 new electric or gas buses will be added to the public transport fleet.

In addition, after the start of public transportation in the aforementioned areas, safe and convenient waiting stops, access to them, traffic organization, lighting and other infrastructure will be installed.

Passenger service on the new routes would be provided by a carrier selected through public tender. The tender would be open to any carrier that meets its conditions and requirements.

The final decision on the tender for the selection of the public carrier will be made at the next Council meeting.

In Vilnius, more than 70% of the new buses are already available.

It is recalled that there are currently more than 300 new buses and trolleybuses in Vilnius, including the first electric buses operating in the central part of Vilnius. This summer, 50 new affordable, modern designed and comfortable buses were introduced, with a total of more than 70 percent. New buses from 1 to 3 years.

The park renovation also increases passenger satisfaction with public transportation. Surveys of the last two years show that they rate Vilnius buses and trolleybuses and the entire organization of public transport work at almost 8 out of 10. These are the highest scores in the history of surveys.

Vilnius is currently conducting a feasibility study on the renovation of the city’s public transport. Its objective is to analyze and present solutions based on data, evaluate technologies and good practices in the renewal and greening of the public transport fleet of other countries. Also assess the needs for remodeling the existing infrastructure or new facility in order to further improve the quality of travel in the capital, reduce the environmental impact of transportation.

Based on this study, the city’s sustainable mobility plan and EU and national pollution reduction requirements, decisions will be made in the near future on how and at what stages public transport will be further renewed in Vilnius.

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