After a strict quarantine was announced last March, people were forced to close their homes for even a few months. Then it was considered that the closure between the four borders could even be beneficial, that more new lives would be started, according to a report from the Lithuanian Department of Statistics.
The maternity home was also looking forward to the newborn boom just before the holidays. “We really expected that in December we would have many more babies started during the first quarantine, but so far we have not seen that boom,” lamented Professor Diana Ramašauskaitė, director of the Center for Obstetrics and Gynecology at the Santara Clinics.
The center he runs has received even fewer mothers lately than before. According to the professor, this is because the Santara clinic is the main treatment center for COVID-19 and women choose other facilities to give birth.
One of them is the Vilnius Maternity Hospital. They received more patients this year, but the director of the Kornelija Mačiulienė institution also claimed that it was related to COVID-19. “Some treatment facilities have been forced to close due to this infection, so we have received more patients even from other areas,” said the director.
The headmistress of the maternity home and herself recalled the spring speech, half laughing, half serious, that couples who stayed home longer would start a new life. “People spent more time together during the quarantine. We laughed that there would be a high birth rate after the quarantine, but none of that has been seen so far. Maybe we will get records in January or February,” reflected K. hopefully. Mačiulienė.
In December, as well as in January and February, the birth rate is lower each year. In general, the number of newborns begins to decrease from November.
In November this year, even fewer babies were born in Lithuania than last year.
According to data from the Department of Statistics, last November 1920 they were born in Lithuania, and last year – 2105. Last year, 2116 babies were born in November, and in December of the same year – only 1686 babies.
Lithuanians usually give birth in summer. Most of the babies were born this year in August (2362), July (2357) and June (2236). It is true that there were more births this year and in September (2331).
The fewest babies were born this year in March (1731) and February (1808).
By the way, in August, not only newborns are closed but also marriages. There were 3,219 marriages registered in August of this year, however, there were significantly more marriages in August of last year: 3,879.
Last spring, due to the pandemic, several couples canceled weddings or abandoned those plans. This is also shown in the statistics. For example, 552 couples were married last March, compared to 902 marriages registered this month last month.
Almost 2,000 people were married in May of last year. pairs, only 532 pairs traded gold rings at that time this year. Almost twice as many marriages were registered in June than last year.
In November, when the quarantine was announced for the second time, marriages fell again. 645 of them were registered last month and 774 at the same time last year.
Information on babies born in December and registered marriages, in which only young people, their witnesses and an employee of the civil registry office can attend the official ceremony due to the new pandemic outbreak and strict quarantine, will be published by Statistics Lithuania in January.
It is true that wedding planners are already ensuring that there will be few newlyweds in December. By the way, in the last month of the year, Lithuanians did not usually get married even when fun was not forbidden.
For example, only 929 couples were married last December, compared to 1,072 last year.
However, during the quarantine, not only were fewer Lithuanian couples married, but fewer divorced as well. For example, 508 divorces were registered in May of this year and 782 in the same month last year, 432 couples were divorced in June of this year and 663 in June of last year.
Last November, 713 divorces were registered in Lithuania, and last year there were 761 of them.
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