Photo: BNS
Panevėžys Lietkabelis’s team recorded even more cases of coronavirus.
Raincoat Panev Imperžys / Schedule
On Friday it turned out that the COVID-19 tests for two players were positive. Over the weekend, the tests were run again and this time the virus was detected in 9 people: 6 players and 3 staff members. All team members remain in self-isolation.
Lietkabelis was supposed to start the second round of the European Cup on Wednesday with a match against Bologna “Virtus”, but will not be played.
We will also not see Nenad Chanak’s students on the parquet and at the meeting of the Lithuanian Basketball League (Betsafe-LKL) on Saturday, where they had to face Vilnius East in the capital.
Panevėžys “Waterproof” |
Team member | Sick date | State |
Unnamed basketball player | 30th of October | Sick (new) |
Unnamed basketball player | 30th of October | Sick (new) |
Unnamed basketball player | November 1st | Sick (new) |
Unnamed basketball player | November 1st | Sick (new) |
Unnamed basketball player | November 1st | Sick (new) |
Unnamed basketball player | November 1st | Sick (new) |
Unnamed staff member | November 1st | Sick (new) |
Unnamed staff member | November 1st | Sick (new) |
Unnamed staff member | November 1st | Sick (new) |
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na The morning match will have to wait, because the Strasbourg match will also be postponed
to zalgiri
I wonder how many of you “sick” are really sick.
flu like every year, only now covid avim lump washed
The flu season begins in the last week of October, so for her it would be the flu, only now would it be the first illnesses, not after 1000 new cases every day.
and bl stop with your diseases, they will get sick again in two months the whole team will get tired of the fake situation .. already bored who think they will be able to play to rest for a couple of seasons .. it won’t be .. there is no immunity to these pastes ..
cases of pasta virus
apparently got a virus, a game with a juve and 2 EC commandos with coronavirus during the game
In vino veritas
Most likely this match with Juve was the main focus. And the poor Utensians caught up with Suduva when KMT played.
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Triples released this season
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