A record number of permits of this type were issued in the last month of the year. New energy efficiency requirements for buildings, due to take effect in 2021, encourage builders to rush to achieve them later this year.
Romualdas Paulauskas, the head of the Panevėžys office of the Oberhaus company, believes that in 2020, there were more than ever to choose a newly built house in Panevėžys. The company sold 3 houses of 12 apartments on Projektuotojų street, more than half of the 78 apartments planned in the former Verdenė school were reserved. Apartments for sale on A. Mackevičiaus street, in a reconstructed house on Klaipėdos street. There are several more newly built houses in the pond neighborhood, there are unsold and still under construction houses in the suburbs. One apartment at a time would appear in Freedom Square, in other parts of the city.
Not all neighborhoods fit
Next year, up to six new apartment buildings should be built in Panevėžys, or a total of 114 apartments, on Ainių, Parko streets. And 2 or 3 new homes are projected.
“Last year, last year, there were far fewer apartments under new construction,” says one real estate expert.
According to R. Paulauskas, an average of about 1000 euros per square meter with partial finishing is required in an apartment or house. Although, for example, in Staniūnai, partially finished cabins are sold for 790 euros per “square”. If the goal is completed, another 300 euros will be added. According to the expert, there are no extremely expensive apartments in Panev extremelyžys.
For example, an apartment for sale on Vilniaus street near Skaistakalnis park costs as much as a house, but there is a large plot nearby, a playground, a convenient place to park, a park next door, and other advantages. And buyers, according to him, when choosing a home not only want a specific area, but also appreciate the environment: whether there is a yard large enough to park a car, or orderly streets, the house shakes if there is a bedroom nearby.
The amounts are inadequate
Unlike real estate providers, buyers claim that the offer in Panevėžys is not so great – the desired home must be paid for for a long time. Jolita, who lives in Panevėžys, and her husband, who returned from Norway, observed the three-room apartment for about half a year.
“Families say we found it very quickly, because others are looking for a year and two,” says Jolita.
According to the woman, her requirements were not special. Probably, the main criterion for choosing became the district – it is important for a young family to have educational institutions nearby. There is also a place for a car in the courtyard and an apartment on the first and third floors of a renovated house of a slightly newer construction. It was desired that the apartment itself would be slightly repaired, but several options were evaluated. The people of Panevėžys considered the possibility of buying a new house construction and even a house, but the amounts requested exceeded the planned budget.
Eventually the family found about 50,000. The three-room apartment on Beržų street, which cost a billion euros, and he considers them very lucky.
“People want more than 60 thousand euros for a renovated apartment like this,” says the woman, who has inspected several three-bedroom apartments during her search, says she is convinced that the prices of old apartments, even those without renovation, they are very high in Panevėžys.
“When you ask for almost 1,200 euros for a ‘square’ of an apartment in an old building, even property appraisers say it is inappropriate,” says Jolita.
Construction in Panevėžys
© Sekundė.lt
It does not extend within the city limits.
Rita Kairaitienė, director of the Panevėžys regional branch of the Matininkai Corporation, also agrees that there is very little to choose from for homeowners. “Whoever wants to build must do it himself,” says the specialist, not in vain, such construction dominates the city. However, according to R. Kairaitienė, there is no significant increase in prices in the residential market. Although apartment prices continue to rise slightly, the situation is already quite stable.
As far as she knows, a square meter of a newly built house with partial finishes costs around 1,000 or even 1,000 euros. And this type of home is highly sought after, even though it is now more difficult to get a loan.
“In a pandemic, young families especially look for similar homes, they want children to have a patio, more space,” explains the expert.
According to her, the only drawback is that these houses are mostly on the road. There will be few parcels in the city center, unless an old house is bought and a new one is rebuilt or demolished.
“Very often clients complain that newly built houses are not enough, especially in the city,” says R. Kairaitienė.
So the alternative becomes apartments, but they are expensive. Some of your sellers ask for the same per square meter as for a newly built house.
“Prices are sometimes difficult to understand,” admits the interviewee.
Moves in the last minute
It’s unclear if real estate will soon become more expensive again, as new energy efficiency requirements for buildings will go into effect starting in the New Year. The buildings must belong to class A ++, which means that they consume almost no energy.
Despite the forecasts of experts that the increase in prices, if any, will be insignificant, moreover, gradual, those preparing for construction in Panevėžys rushed to obtain permits under the old conditions. Edmundas Kuncevičius, deputy director of the Department of Architecture and Spatial Planning of the municipality of Panevėžys, says that at the end of the year there is always a stir, but the activity this year is record.
During the last quarter of 2020, which has not yet ended, 206 new construction applications have already been submitted, of which 166 for residential housing construction and 40 for commercial construction. In the fourth quarter of 2019, a total of only 95 new construction permit applications were submitted. The multiple-fold increase in the number of building permits does not necessarily mean that next year everyone who applies and will build, as such a permit is valid indefinitely.
Of course, E. Kuncevičius adds, he will not put it in the drawer either: every three years it is necessary to declare the part of the finished construction work.