Netflix Movie Witnesses Former US Official From One Of The Organizers Of The 9/11 Raids Arrested In Lithuania


LNK Žinios reported that the US company Netflix had made a documentary about the US fight against terrorism. He also speaks of Lithuania.

Dale Watson, former deputy director of the FBI’s Counterterrorism Division, told him that two agents had been sent “to that country.” As for “that country”, images are shown of a building near Vilnius, saying that the Americans considered Abu Zubaydah one of the most important terrorists here.

“I was in charge of the fight against terrorism, the director of the FBI R. Mueller called me after the meeting at the White House and told me: we must send agents to that country, I said: well, we will do what happened. . They told me they had Abu Zubaydah, ”Watson said.

In December 2014, the United States Senate released a report on the secret detention centers of the Central Intelligence Board (CIA). He also mentions a so-called “purple” center that operated between 2005 and 2006. Human rights defenders believe that this center operated in Antaviliai, Lithuania, near Vilnius.

LNK Žinios noted that at that time D. Watson had already officially left the FBI. Public sources indicate that he left the service in 2002.

“Those testimonies would not be of interest to our Attorney General’s Office, which had launched an investigation at the time,” said Arvydas Anušauskas, a member of the Seimas who now led the parliamentary investigation into the CIA prison, now Minister of National Defense.

In 2014, the Lithuanian Prosecutor General’s Office launched a pre-trial investigation into possible smuggling of persons across the state border, and in 2018 reclassified it according to the signs of prohibited treatment of persons identified by the European Court of Human Rights. Prosecutors have not completed the investigation, no complaints have been made against anyone.

Zubaydah is suspected of contributing to the September 11 attacks and is currently being held in Guantánamo, Cuba.

A Saudi-born Palestinian won a case against Lithuania at the European Court of Human Rights more than three years ago. The court ruled that he was being held illegally in a secret prison in Lithuania and ordered him to pay 130,000. euros.

The Ministry of Justice informed LNK Žinios that this month Abu Zubaydah’s lawyer had presented a power of attorney approved by the prisoner to transfer the money. Only Lithuania is not sure if this power of attorney is properly apostilized, that is, if it is about royal stamps.

“The applicant’s attorney only submitted a power of attorney this month, but it has not yet been apostilled as required to ensure that the document drawn up in a foreign state is genuine,” the ministry said in a comment.

According to her, after the judicial process, the compensation will be paid immediately.

Lithuania still does not recognize that the CIA prison operated in the country: in 2016, the then Deputy Justice Minister Paulius Griciūnas said in the Strasbourg court that the building in Antaviliai was an intelligence support center, but not a prison or center. of detention.

In 2009, the Seimas Committee on National Security and Defense carried out a parliamentary investigation, but announced that it had not established that the CIA detainees had been taken to Lithuania, although it acknowledged that the conditions were met.
