Navickienė: It is planned to adjust the amount of income financed by the state, 15 thousand LTL would be received. population plus


“Today’s government’s task is to ensure that the impact of price increases on household income is kept to a minimum when planning the projects that we will present together with the budget to ensure growth in household income. In this sense, we also had many discussions with the Ministry of Energy, we are awaiting their decisions. In addition to the projects that are already known and will be presented in the fall session, which will ensure revenue growth in 2022, we will further expand the opportunities for receive compensation for heating ”, the minister told the press after the government meeting.

According to M. Navickienė, today everyone can apply for heating compensation to the municipality.

“The important thing is that during the quarantine and emergency, the heating compensation does not value people’s property, it has been valued in the past (…), so really all people can apply to the municipalities if they believe that they belong or if they have, it has not been granted because the assets exceeded and influenced decision-making, ”said the Minister of Social Security and Labor.
According to M. Navickienė, it was also decided to amend the Law on Monetary Social Assistance to the Needy and increase the amount of income financed by the State by calculating the chances of receiving compensation.

The current procedure is that when living for one person, the amount of 1.5 state-supported income (VRP) is deducted from the income, if a group of people lives: 1 VRP. According to the Minister, according to the new procedure, the amount of 2 NRP would be set for each of the people living together, and 3 NRP if one person lives.

“For example, if a person lives and earns € 600” in their hands “, 3 state-sponsored income amounts of € 384 would be deducted from their income. Of the remaining amount of income, the heating bill could not exceed the 10 percent. All other costs must be reimbursed by the state. We estimate that with this decision, up to two NRPs for family farms and up to three NRPs per resident will receive support from around 15 thousand more recipients “, – he commented M. Navickienė.

According to the minister, the increase in the NRP should cost around 12 million. However, the additional amount of compensation promised to the municipalities for the price increase would amount to about 15 million euros. euros.

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