The person A. Navalnas contacted is Konstantin Kudriavtsev. In fact, he confirmed that A. Navalna had been killed. Navalnas recounted what he learned in a video called “I called my killer. He confessed everything. “
During an interview, the content of which was published in The Insider, A. Navalnas introduced himself as the Undersecretary of the Security Council, Nikolai Patrushev. He asked why the operation did not end with Navaln’s death.
The man, who is said to be K. Kudriavtsev, thought that this was due to the plane landing too fast in Omsk and the operational actions of the ambulance brigade at the airport.
The person, believed to be K. Kudriavtsev, provided the name of another employee of the Federal Security Office, who was also involved in the operation, Vasily Kalashnikov.
According to The Insider, Kalashnikov is an expert in the field of detecting metabolites of nerve paralyzing agents in biological samples. The data on the cover show that after A. Navalnas was in a coma, he was called by Stanislav Makšakov, whom the authors of the poisoning study called the leader of the group.
A joint media investigation was published last week that chemical weapons experts from the Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) followed Navalna’s criticism of the Kremlin for several years, including the day he was poisoned.
Navaln, 44, felt ill on a plane flying from Tomsk to Moscow in August and was transferred to a hospital in that city after an unplanned landing in Omsk, and a few days later flew to Germany for treatment. Western experts have discovered that he was poisoned by one of the nerve-paralyzing substances Novičiok, developed in the Soviet Union, but Russian officials have repeatedly denied this.
Investigative journalism website Bellingcat, US television CNN, Russian investigative journalism website The Insider and German magazine Der Spiegel published a joint report last Monday with specialists on men called nerve palsy and toxins, including Novičiok. names and photos.
These men have been tracking Navalna regularly since 2017, Bellingcat concludes, based on a variety of data, including call and travel information.
“These operations were close to the opposition activist in the days and hours he was poisoned with a chemical combat weapon,” said Bellingcat, identifying 37 trips since 2017 when Navalna was followed by one or more of the agents.
“Given this incredible chain of coincidences, the obligation to give an innocent explanation seems to lie solely with the Russian state,” Bellingcat added, without specifying whether he had asked the FSB or the Kremlin for comment.
CNN said the Kremlin declined to comment and the FSB did not respond to their request.
No direct contacts were found between A. Navaln and the agents named during the investigation.
“I know who wanted to kill me. I know where they live. I know where they work. I know their real names. I know their false names. I have photos of them, ”Navalnas said in a video posted on his blog Monday.
In recent years, Bellingcat has used data collected online to identify Russian security agents on several occasions, but Moscow has denied all allegations.
Among other things, Bellingcat has identified Russian military intelligence agents who, according to the website, are responsible for the poisoning of former double agent Sergei Skripal with Novichok in the UK.
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