Nausėda vetoed the amendments to the Local Self-Government Act


According to the head of the country, such provision of the law contradicts the most recent, in 2020. The memorandum on strengthening self-government signed by political parties on September 3 establishes the preconditions to ignore the public interests of local communities and increase the bureaucratic apparatus of the municipalities. The amendments to the law violate the constitutional principle of self-government and freedom of activity, as well as the international obligations of Lithuania related to the right of local authorities to independently determine their internal administrative structure that meets the needs of local residents and guarantees effective governance.

“The unilateral decision to force municipalities to establish elders contradicts efforts to form a culture of cooperation in the country. I call for a further strengthening of relations between the central and local government on the basis of trust and partnership, “said the president.

The report of the Presidency draws attention to the fact that the law approved by the Seimas does not foresee the allocation of additional funds to the municipalities where the elderly should be established. This means that the entire financial burden of the compulsory nursing home would be shifted to the municipalities and their residents. In the opinion of the President, this would restrict the constitutional rights of municipalities to form and implement the budget, as well as the possibilities of municipalities to use the funds from their budgets to ensure the needs of local communities.

The Head of State proposes that Law No. 1 modifying articles 24, 31, 33 and 35 of the Local Autonomy Law be not approved. XIII-3327. The president also returned the upcoming Seimas 2020 resolution related to this law to the Seimas. October 15 Law of Amendments and Complements of the Law of Local Autonomy approved no. XIII-3328 and proposes to clarify paragraph 2 of article 11 of this Law, providing that the members of the council of municipalities where elders have not been constituted may have a maximum of three public assistants.

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