National Security Advisor retires


This was confirmed to the portal by the spokesman for the head of state Ridas Jasiulionis.

A. Razma joined the Presidential National Security Group in August 2019, having previously held the position of Chief of the SSD Board.

Upon arriving to work for the Presidency, intelligence officers become politically trusted officers, but upon completion of this job, they can generally return to the SSD.

More advisers have recently left the president’s advisory team: Šarūnas Radvilavičius from the Education, Science and Culture Group, Aleksandras Radčenko from the Law Group, Ieva Saudargaitė and Vida Petrulaitė retired from this group last year.

Chancellor Algė Budrytė and President’s Spokesperson Antanas Bubnelis, Communication Group representatives Ieva Elenbergienė and Advisor Liutauras Galinis also left the presidency.

A year ago, Jonas Vytautas Žukas, Head of the National Security Group, Sonata Šulcė, Chief Advisor to the President on Education, Science and Culture, and Aistis Zabarauskas, Head of the Communication Group, left the President’s team.
