The alarming mutation has a “substantial advantage in infectious transmission” and is linked to “epidemic growth in almost all areas,” the researchers wrote. It could increase the viral reproduction rate, which shows how many people are infected by a patient, to 0.7, the researchers found.
“This complicates control of the virus and underscores once again the importance of starting vaccination as early as possible,” said Neil Ferguson, a professor of epidemiology at Imperial College London who worked on outbreak modeling.
The physical dissociation measures that have been successful in fighting previous strains of the virus were not enough to control the spread of the new strain, the study found. The government has previously stated, although it has not provided relevant documentation, that the new variety is 70 percent. it spreads faster.
The researchers used statistical tools to assess the link between transmission and the frequency of the new version of the virus in the UK. The data has had an impact on the government’s pandemic predictions in recent weeks, Ferguson said.
The new strain of the virus may primarily infect young people because the research was carried out at the time the quarantine was in effect, but schools remained open, the researchers noted.