Munich – Lucich’s career game and Bayern’s sixth win / News


Photo: Imago images – Scanpix

Photo Image Images – Scanpix

Vladimir Lučičius again shone in the ranks of Bayern Munich (6-2) and reached the record for career efficiency score, and the German club in the Euroleague match at home 90:79 (21:18, 16:21, 25:21, 28:19) beat the Valencia basketball players (4-3).

Man of the match

Vladimir Lucic

Effective transfers


For the winners, Lučičius scored 22 points (3/4 doubles, 3/5 trit., 7/7 penalties) in 30 minutes, bounced 7 and took 2 balls, made 2 assists, provoked 8 fouls and scored 35 utility points.

Before that, Lucich had scored a total of 29 utility points in the Euroleague, which he did a month ago, on October 14, when Bayern took on Telcivo’s Maccabi.

In the fourth quarter alone, Lučičius scored 11 points.

After this victory, Bayern are in second place in the Euroleague. Barcelona, ​​which has seven victories, is in the first position.

In extremely persistent matches, the teams scored 7 points for the deciding minutes.

Difficult launch of Prepelic:

Half a minute and a half later, Bayern led by 5 points (74:69), but Derrick Williams hit a colon with a free kick, Boyan Dubljevičius added precise penalties and the result was the same (74:74).

Paul Zipser scored two points, Jean Šiško added two points, Vladimir Lučičius scored 5 straight points and Bayern, who held a 10: 2 lead, scored 8 points in 17 minutes (86:78).

40 seconds left Zipser struck from medium distance and put up a point in the match.

Bayern: Vladimir Lučičius 22 (7th rev., 35 us.), Paul Zipser 20 (4/6 trit.), Jauuan Johnson 17 (8th tr.

Valencia: Klemen Prepeličius 18 (7/7 fines), Bojanas Dubljevičius 12, Nikola Kaliničius 10 (5 reps), Derrick Williams 9.

Labeyrie placement:

Match summary:
