Media: The businesswoman, who collected donations for Belarusians in Lithuania, benefited from her accommodation.


According to the LRT, the Dapamoga organization, led by Belarusian businesswoman Natalia Kolegovas, who lives in Lithuania, has received support from the Lithuanian market. According to the head of the institution, around 25 thousand were collected, and for this amount visitors are helped to accommodate them, pay for food, clothing, as well as visas.

However, the LRT Research Department announces that it has collected Belarusian documents and testimonies that they paid for the apartments. According to LRT, N. Kolegova rented apartments to Belarusians even for a price above the market price, although she said that she helped for free.

According to the LRT, in order to receive money from the international support funds, leases were forged with possible help from N. Kolegova. They also falsify the signatures of company directors.

N. Kolegova provided different versions of this to the LRT, then said that the contracts were forged and not related to him.

The Natalex company, which belongs to this businessman and his spouse, may also have falsified the certificates of the Lithuanian doctors, this was confirmed by LRT as one of the doctors who allegedly provided such consultation.
