Media: Lukashenko planned assassinations in Germany and Moscow


A 24-minute recording of the conversation was provided to the online post by a representative of the Belarusian opposition and a former counterterrorism special. Igor Makar, Almaz official. Signal that you are ready to testify in court.

According to journalists from the portal, there are no obvious traces of the editing of the sound recording, but experts have not been able to finally confirm whether it is a real recording. One of the experts claims that the record has been edited at least once and explains this by the need to remove the digital signature from the record to disguise the identity of the person who made the record.

Implicit assault victims

According to EUobserver, the alleged victims could have been Oleg Alkayev, former director of the first interrogation detention center in Minsk and former special detainee. Vladimir Borodach, the unit’s brigadier general, and Vyacheslav Dudkin, former commander of the Interior Ministry for Anti-Corruption and Economic Crimes of the Interior Ministry, who may have been in Germany at the time.

One of the participants in the conversation, who allegedly belongs to V. Zaitsev, claims that more than 1.5 million have been transferred to a special account “for personal instruction to A. Lukashenko”. dollars (1.2 million euros), and the then head of the country himself wants to “see results.”

The meeting also discussed the possibility of killing Belarusian-born journalist Pavla Sheremete, who was then living in Moscow. The audio record indicates that the journalist’s activities caused problems for the government and that explosives were planned to be used to kill him. According to EUobserver, Sheremet was tracked down in Moscow. The publication also published internal KGB reports provided by I. Makar, containing information on Mr. Sheremet’s life in Moscow: where his relatives visited him.

“Any liquidation must appear as natural as possible so that the investigators have no doubt,” said an interlocutor, whom the EUobserver calls the Belarusian KGB commander, in an interview.

Mr. Sheremet was killed on July 20, 2016 in the center of Kiev by an explosion in the car of the editor of the publication “Ukrainskaja pravda” Alena Pritula, who was driving. The suspects in this case were only discovered in December 2019, according to DW.
