Matonis: tourist cities will be closed on weekends


However, the representative of the Police Department emphasizes that during this weekend the control of movements will continue to be carried out intensively, both mobile and stationary checkpoints will be established in the municipalities, and tourist locations will be blocked.

A police spokesperson points out that although a smaller number of overturned vehicles have been registered in the last four days compared to the festive period, a greater number of protocols have been drawn up.

“1235 drivers turned around in four days and there were 131 violations in the control of movement between municipalities,” he told Eltai.

According to R. Matonis, by organizing movement control over the weekend, there will continue to be more surprises, there will be a deeper understanding of the reasons to explain what a person does who does not come to their municipality of residence. A spokesman for the police department said the station would also be equipped with stationary checkpoints in some municipalities over the weekend, with resort towns saying it would be fenced off.

“There will be more stationary checkpoints over the weekend, and the entrances to the waterfront and resort towns will be really blocked. We should probably warn this right away so residents won’t even try to drive because they will have to turn around and go back There may also be poles near other cities, both when leaving and entering, “he said.

A spokesperson for the police department also reports that a total of 700 quarantine violations have been recorded in the past four days.

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