Markets and markets representative: we are having a great time


“Markets and markets are going through a very difficult time today. People buy less (…), consumption decreases. Traders complain that they do not sell as much as they used to, and they have to lower prices to remain competitive in this market. And that means they will earn much less, “V. Butkevičius told Eltai.

“People are careful, many people are not going to buy non-essential goods. Traders are also careful not to trade too much because they are also subject to quarantine. So trade has dropped very drastically, I would say by as much as 50 percent, “he noted, adding that market administrations are doing everything they can to successfully guarantee all the security requirements set by the state.

According to V. Butkevičius, many markets, due to the reduction in the number of traders, no longer charge the rent of the commercial space, so it is planned to request help from the Government.

“The marketplaces no longer charge the market rate for the place, and the main activity of the marketplaces is the rental of commercial premises. Meanwhile, many markets have borrowed from banks for renovations, and in this case, banks are very inflexible and require ongoing payment of monthly installments. (…) That is why we ask the Government, and we will write, to take it into account and help this segment of small companies, ”he said.

Speaking about the desired support from the state, the president of the association assured that it would be of great help if the market traders were exempted from taxes for a time and the markets became zones of preferential taxation.

“It would be very good if at least the rental costs were covered.” … It would be possible to exempt these people (market traders – ELTA) from the tax burden for a time, and it would also be possible to declare the markets as preferential tax zones “he told Eltai.

V. Butkevičius also pointed out that it is necessary for the Government to support small entrepreneurs such as market traders, because without doing so, the ranks of the unemployed will only increase and benefits will be paid to them from the same state budget.

“A person who trades in the market is a small businessman (…) who creates a job, is not in the job market and does not demand any profit. (…) Therefore, we must do everything possible to ensure that these people are not destroyed, that they can continue to trade and earn money. Otherwise, they will join the ranks of the unemployed and budget benefits will also have to be paid, ”assured V. Butkevičius.

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