As part of the implementation of sustainable mobility measures, a path for pedestrians and bicycles has been maintained in Neringa along the coastal protective dune.
The 1.7 km long managed route begins at the southern beach of Nida and ends behind the central (in the nearby hotel area). It was necessary to maintain this path. The width of the trail no longer corresponded to the flow of people using it, and the pavement was not only worn but also elevated near the roots of growing trees. For these reasons, the road was unsafe for both pedestrians and cyclists.
The work started last week will not only update the existing asphalt surface, but will also implement road safety measures. The trail reconstruction project has been prepared in such a way that people with disabilities can move freely and safely.
The road layout is foreseen in the strategic plan for sustainable mobility of the municipality of Neringa, whose solutions have been taken into account during the preparation of the technical design for the reconstruction. The ordered path will be integrated into the existing network of bicycle lanes.
The trail is being rebuilt with funds from the EU project “Reconstructing Bicycle and Pedestrian Trails in Neringa” and the state budget. The 0.8 km section of the Phase I bicycle and pedestrian route will be rebuilt with EU funds. Financing from the highway maintenance and development program will be used to implement the works for the second stage: the remaining 0.9 km of the track was rebuilt.
The total budget of the project amounts to 174,285.79 euros, of which 114,491.00 euros to the European Union, 39,590.50 euros to the state budget of the Republic of Lithuania and 20,204.29 euros to the budget of the municipality of Neringa. The EU-funded project is slated to be implemented and completed in both phases by the end of this year.
The Municipality of Neringa sincerely apologizes to the residents and summer residents of the complex for the inconvenience. The current work will not only improve daily cycling and walking, contribute to reducing environmental pollution, promote a more active and healthy lifestyle, but will also make Neringa even more proud and renovate its infrastructure.