According to TMZ, Sylvester Stallone’s beloved mother, Jackie, died on September 21. The causes of death have yet to be identified.
In her 98 years of life, Jackie Stallone has really done a lot. From raising three children: legendary actor S. Stallone, singer Frank Stallone and actress Toni D’Alto.
Also, Jackie was a famous famous astrologer and was destined to marry her three times.
The woman’s first husband, Frank Stallone Sr., was the father of her two children. His wife married him in 1945. and they lived together for 12 years, until finally in 1957. They broke up.
Life Press nuotr./Sylvesteris Stallone her mother Jackie Stallone
Later, Jackie married Anthony Filiti, and their daughter Toni D’Alto was born to him. Still, after a while, the couple changed differently. 2012 Anthony died of cancer.
The woman married Sthephen Levine, her current and last husband, in 1988.
It is true that Jackie also distinguished herself in wrestling: she was one of the creators and coaches of the wrestling show “Gorgeous Girls of Wrestling.” The show aired in Las Vegas more than two decades ago and has been around for five years.