In recent days, V. Januškevičius, who spends his days in bars, has waited for the court to honor his request for a prison sentence. If the answer is yes, the life sentence would be commuted to a sentence of 5 to 10 years.
The murderer obtained the right to request a term sentence because he admits his guilt and has spent more than 20 years behind bars. V. Januškevičius was also positively characterized by the heads of the Pravieniškės prison.
However, the court that examined this application ruled that despite the positive evaluations, there were no grounds to impose a fixed-term sentence on V. Januškevičius.
The court emphasized that the crimes committed revealed a significantly greater danger of the convicted person to society, antisocial attitudes, disregard for moral and behavioral norms, describing himself as extremely cynical and completely indifferent to the experiences and life of another person. So the killer’s request was denied.
He wants to help his daughter
In his application, V. Januškevičius indicated that if he complied with the provision, he would have the opportunity to get a job, because otherwise he would not be able to work due to the enforcement of his sentence.
The killer explained that he had applied for a job while serving his sentence, but the job was not awarded.
He also noted that he no longer expects to be released because he has diabetes, but that he could work and help a daughter raise two disabled children.
V. Januškevičius stated that he did not pay the civil claims previously imposed by the court because he had nothing to pay. It is said that everything would change if such an opportunity arose.
However, if the court rejects the hitman application, he will not be able to apply for the same for another year.
Killed 13 people
V. Januškevičius killed him for the first time at the age of 16. The minor was sentenced to 10 years in prison, but spent 6.5 years in the colony.
The victims of V. Januškevičius, who used various combat weapons, were various people: from taxi drivers to money changers.
Among the victims of V. Januškevičius is a controversial Vilnius businessman, Rimantas Grainys, a shareholder of the then bank Ekspres. It was blown up in the very center of Vilnius, near the Government House, on the morning of May 26, 1995.
V. Januškevičius had placed a powerful explosive on the underside of R. Grainis’ luxury Mercedes-Benz car. Prosecutors have yet to identify the true perpetrators of Grainis’ murder.
In 1994–1998, V. Januškevičius was killed by 13 people in Vilnius with armed accomplices, and attempts were made to kill several more.
He carried out the widespread killings, both on order and to kidnap wealthy Vilnius residents.
Law enforcement officers who described ancient crimes describe V. Januškevičius as an intelligent man who prepared himself for scrupulous attacks beforehand. In one of his interviews, the hitman was able to show that he also has a sensitive side:
“After the death of my wife, whom we stayed with for 28 years, perhaps for the first time in my life I realized what it means to lose only one true friend. When she dies my heart is dominated by twilight. I don’t want anything, I feel that even that dreamed freedom would be unpleasant for me without it … “